Finnish Warmblood Association 

The main goal of the Finnish Warmblood association is to develop and improve the foundations for breeding the Finnish Warmblood horse, and to support and encourage the breeders in their work.

The aim for breeding FWB horses is to produce a modern sport horse that by its conformity and movement can perform on an international level in any equestrian discipline.

The Finnish Warmblood association organizes activities and events for FWB horses, their breeders, and owners.

Every year, the association organizes events and shows in order promote the progress of the FWB horses from youngsters to competition/performance horses: Kyvyt Esiin (2- and 3-year-olds), Laatuarvostelu (4-year-olds), the 5-year Derby, and Breeder’s Prize (6-year-olds).

If you are interested to discover more about the Finnish Warmblood, please contact us at:
You can find FWB horses for sale through the link on our instagram account.


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